Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ethics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics Paper - Essay Example If throwing one overboard saves me, then I would do so without hesitation. The act would not even bring into consideration whether the other three left with me on the boat are saved or not; as long as I am saved, the others can be in any condition possible. But such an egoistic attitude is often considered unethical in social interactions. If everyone acts for the sole benefit of oneself without any thought for one’s surroundings (or neighbours), then the social contract – as described by Thomas Hobbes – would break down and society would cease to exist. On the other extreme, a completely altruistic approach would make me act entirely for the good of others, even if it implies that I would be harmed in the process. Thus, if one of the five people on the boat needs to be thrown overboard, I would jump off myself to save the other four. However, both the approaches above are not logically based on cogent grounds, and therefore, it is suggested that the situation is analysed not through these two extremes, but through other justified ethical theories. The utilitarian theory, founded by Bentham and taken further by Mill, claims that an ethical act is one that maximises society’s happiness as a whole. It is analogous to a communist philosophy where individual elements and motives are disregarded for overall social benefit. Going by this theory alone, the act of throwing one person overboard to save the other four is ethically justified.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Professional Educators Making A Difference Essay - 1

Professional Educators Making A Difference - Essay Example The professional educators are therefore bringing about a much needed difference not only within their own lives but also within the entities of the ones who are studying under them or with them. Their excellence is being continuously supplemented and the credit for the same goes on to their shoulders and the institutions which are making professional education a possibility without any doubt (Mearman, 2006). The professional educators are bringing about a difference within adult education which was not experienced in the past. There is a definitive difference that is being seen with their measures and the studies that they have undertaken (Ramey, 2011). The on-the-job training as well as the in-school training has brought dividends to just about anyone who is related with the field of professional education in one or the other capacity (Buchen, 2005). This will essentially be the cornerstone of bringing new possibilities within professional education and hence people at large will b e benefited because of the varied realms of professional education all said and done. Ramey, Craig T. The Dosage of Professional Development for Early Childhood Professionals: How the Amount and Density of Professional Development may Influence its Effectiveness. Advances in Early Education and Day Care, 15,